Is your man your Louis Vuitton or your Primark pickup ?

Today i found myself asking the same question to myself over and over again ....
Do we show off our partner like we would our flashy Louis Vuitton or Marc by Marc Jacobs bag or do we hide them away like the cheap pickup we found in the Primark sale for a fiver ?

We all know relationships aren't always rainbows and butterflies but is this an excuse for hiding your partner away ? pretending to the world you are in fact not in a relationship .

There was nothing more i hated than meeting someone absolutely lovely to only find out he had lied said he was single and actually had a girlfriend . When has this ever been acceptable in a relationship or in fact acceptable in life itself .

I then began to wonder why these people are in a relationship with the person if they are embarrassed of them or to be with them . If we pretend were single why don't we actually just be single ? 
I must have had a look at every couple i could lay my eyes on  on my  adventure ( could call it  that i got lost roughly about 17 times )  around the big Manchester City which i must say reminds me of a little New York ( i recommend to stay away from every shoe-shop  clothes shop , Dior , Channel , Prada basically everywhere if your shop mad like me ) Everywhere says sale but do not let your eyes fool you THERE IS NO SALE they knock off about a pound off the price , they cannot fool us hardcore at heart shopper gals ! Anyway i must stick to subject . I saw happy couples , i saw overjoyed couples ,  i saw couples that were arguing over a pair of shoes , couples that were in complete silence (i obviously missed the huge argument ) but then i saw the worst of the worst ... couples that i didn't even realize they were a couple , one looked like he was carrying some sort of illegal weapon of substance and was to say the least paranoid ! he was looking round as if his girlfriend was going to get spotted . He was either in a race or running away from his girlfriend because he was miles ahead of her and she was trying her very very best to keep up with him . Then just as i thought it couldn't get any worse i saw him checking and winking at other girls whilst his girlfriend was next to him ! 
At this point i was wondering what seriously had happened to the world. 
Respect was clearly not there and in fact i sat there baffled at the fact he was even in a relationship.  He defiantly didn't treat her like a Louis Vuitton in fact she wasn't even his Primark.
For all you guys or girls that have a partner like this, I have two words for you . GET RID .

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